Happy Birthday to a King


Today the weather was unusually warm even for January in California.  The experts are saying we are headed for a drought if we do not get rain.  That is one of the many headlines this past week in addition to talk of who is going to the super bowl, and who is at the Sundance Film Festival, etc.  But today is also a day wherein people around the nation have dedicated their time in various ways to remembering the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.  A man that used his time to work towards his dream of a better world and equality for us all.

It's a global message-his dream.  I will never forget the magnitude of the work that Martin Luther King did and those that walked with him.  I will always remember the positive change he facilitated.  Let us not get distracted. Let us stay focused to keep his dream alive until everyone globally has realized the dream.  Happy Birthday Dr. King.